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Board of Directors

Meet the AGC MA Board of Directors for 2022-2023. These professionals will be guiding your Association over the next year.
Jeffrey Navin
Chair Consigli Construction Co., Inc., Vice President Project Management | Project Executive
Jeff Navin is an Executive Vice President for Consigli Construction Co., Inc. overseeing project management and providing strategic direction and c...
Brad Forrest
Vice Chair Walsh Brothers, Inc., Vice President & COO
Brad is responsible for operations and the strategic growth of the company. With over 20 years experience in the building industry, he is highly re...
Steven Avery
Treasurer Dimeo Construction Company, CFO
Steven leads the organization's accounting and financial accounting activities. Prior to joining Dimeo in 1996 Steve was an audit manager with Delo...
Bill Aalerud
Immediate Past Chair Columbia, Executive Vice President
Bill plays an integral role in providing oversight and implementation of continued growth at Columbia.  His recent endeavors have included launchin...
Mark Abdella
Fontaine Brothers, Inc., Vice President of Construction Management Services
Mark works with executive leadership to set a strategic direction for Fontaine Bros. including people, processes, and projects. Additionally, Mark ...
Jess Baccari
CFDI Representative Siena Construction Corp., Project Manager
Eudad Gonzalez
Turner Construction, Operations Manager, Special Projects
As the VP & Special Projects Division Business Manager, Eudad has solved logistical problems for many unique facilities and projects.
Abby Harris
CLC Chair Dellbrook | JKS Construction, Superintendent
Diana Hasan
C.E. Floyd Company Inc., Human Resource Director
Diana Hasan is responsible for building the team, employee relations, coaching, benefits management and organizational development. She’s been with...
Frank Hayes
Bond Building Construction, Inc., President
Frank is responsible for driving profitable growth and enabling operational excellence for BOND. With over 25 years of construction experience, he...
Richard Jensen
Open Shop Council Chair Erland Construction, Inc., Vice President, Director of Operations
Rick Jensen has been with Erland since 1981, advancing from Field Supervisor through the ranks to his current position as Vice President, Director ...
Mike Kearns
Shawmut Design and Construction, Vice President Construction Operations
Matthew Kilty
Trinity Building + Construction Management Corp., President
Matt's years of experience building high-end hospitality, entertainment and retail spaces combined with his impressive knowledge of building method...
Bob Kunz
National Director Dimeo Construction Company, Corporate Safety Director
Rich Lucht
Labor Relations Division Representative Commodore Builders, Chief Operations Officer
Christine Martello
BWiC Representative Consigli Construction Co., Inc., Project Development
Bryan Northrop
Skanska USA Building Inc., Executive V.P./General Manager
Craig Skurka
Gilbane Building Company, Operations Manager
Liseth Velez
L.J.V. Development, LLC, Founder/CEO
Tony Starr
Board Counsel Mintz
Tony is Co-chair of the firm's Construction Law Practice. He represents contractors, owners, developers, and public authorities across a wide ran...

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