Assisted Living Elder CareConstructorCorporate/CommercialEducationFinancial ServicesHealth CareHigher EducationHistoric Preservation/RestorationHotelsIndustrialInstitutionalLaboratories Research Clean RoomsReligiousRestaurants RetailTelecommunicationsTenant Fit-outs
About Us
Madigan is a fourth generation, family-owned and managed GC/CM firm located in Worcester MA. We have constructed buildings throughout New England for over eight decades. The company is led by President/CEO Jim Madigan and Treasurer Fran Madigan. We serve a variety of markets including retail, hospitality, healthcare, commercial and academic. We excel at complicated projects which require true collaborative teamwork among the stakeholders, especially when our expertise is utilized during the planning and preconstruction phases of projects. Our value proposition is that we provide exceptional personalized service to all of our clients, and our list of repeat clients is a testament to its delivery.